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Fall Arts Festival

1) The Fall Arts Festival took place in the Nature Center of El Modena High school on 10/29/21.

2) The people in my pictures were performers in the Choir and Theater performances.

3) I picked all 10 of these pictures so there would be variety and the viewer could see many aspects of the Falls Art Festival.

4) My absolute favorite picture from this selection is the one with the girl curled up on the floor during the theater performance, because it is very dramatic and interesting to look at.

5) I like this picture because the flowers in the front are clear and the flowers in the background are not.

Dead Pumpkin

Gore-y Jack-o-lantern

Ceramics for sale

Choir students preparing to sing

Waiting for her line

Live Theater

Choir Performance

Decorated masks

Theater Performance

Sponge Bob themed pumpkin

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